We constantly strive to improve our service delivery and clinical care and welcome your feedback so we can improve your experience. We welcome feedback from patients and have a ‘feedback’ box at the surgery, which we encourage you to utilise. We also encourage email responses or you can speak with one of our staff to share your views on how we can improve your experience at the practice.
On a regular basis we invite patients to complete a questionnaire on their view of The Jamberoo Surgery and how it could be improved. We use an independent provider to review and report on this feedback to ensure confidentiality. The feedback is also compared with other practices and helps us consider improvements to our facilities and services. Where any of the feedback is a complaint to any aspect of our service, we will investigate the matter and confirm the outcome of the investigation with you in writing. We believe it is best to handle feedback locally. However, if patients prefer to address feedback through external parties you may contact the following agency:
Health Care Complaints Commission,
Locked Mail Bag 18, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012.
Telephone (02) 92197444 or 1800 043159.